Basic Gameplay
  1. Follow the instructions on the cards
  2. Once a card is used it is discarded
  3. During the game, if you draw opposite faction specific cards, discard and re-draw
  4. Playing Cards in Your Hand – During your turn you can play as many cards as you can/want to use
  5. Once you choose a Mission or Battle, not both – the results of that ends your turn
  6. At the beginning of your turn, roll 20-Sided Dice. Even number, get another card.
  7. Maximum Number of Cards – You can only have a max of 13 cards. If you want to draw a new card, you must discard one
  8. It is a 2-player minimum game. You need at least one player to be on each faction
  9. Team Play – You may play as a team with other players within your faction and help each other if the cards allow it while on same world or same world orbit
  10. During your turn you have choices: Battle, Use a Mission Card, Stay or Run using an Assistance Card
  11. Staying too long – You can only stay on a World for 3 turns. If you can’t move through your cards, on your 3 turn you must roll the 6-sided dice to move to a new world
  12. Special One Time Use Weapons – You may use special weapons on any opponent on the same battlefield AND you still take your Attack/Run turn. Also, special weapons can be used by the defense during the attack/defense
  13. When there are no more cards left to draw, shuffle the discard pile to create a new draw deck.
  14. Victory – The game continues until there is a winner by a faction destroying all the opposite factions’ characters and/or Spaceships. As long as you have at least one character, you’re still in the game
  15. BENDER Assistance Character– A Bender helps your character with special weapons and powers. A Bender may help all teammates but must be on the same battlefield.
  16. Resurrection – Only a Neloth card can resurrect a player once they hit zero Thoma.
  17. World Arrival Rules – You must perform every time you visit a new world unless otherwise specified
  18. Battle Royale – Each player choose a character race and fight everyone. Last one will rule the galaxy
  19. Space Battle – Add up all allowed Spaceship weapons for your Weapon Punch Number
  20. Build Your Army – A main character can build up their Army with assistance characters. On an Attack/Defense, you may choose which order your army attacks/defends. You may leave assistance characters behind when you move. You can only have one Bender per Army
  21. Assistance Characters – Can only defend if they are not with the main character. In the event your assistance Character has been “Static Struck” away, your main character must find a way to pick them up to rejoin the Army
Game Setup
  1. Each game chooses a Game Leader- leads the game, lore reading, players and helps with the rules
  2. This is a Battle Game using Strategy, Chance, Dice and Game Cards. My deck against your deck concept
  3. Place the world cards out on table centered between the players
  4. Each player chooses a faction: either Human or Adra
  5. Each player pulls all Character cards from their deck and separates them into Human or Adra Faction
  6. Randomly draw a Character card from the Faction cards you choose, place the others aside
  7. Place the opposite Faction Character cards aside
  8. Each player uses their own deck
Starting The Game
  1. Each player starts the game by drawing 10 cards from their own deck
  2. Find & Identify your Weapon Punch Number
  3. Choose the strongest weapon for your Character called WPN (Weapon Punch Number) 1 Weapon per character. Add this Weapon WPN to your Characters WPN resulting in your WPN number
  4. Find & Identify your Thoma number and use any/all cards to build up Thoma

    Suggestion – Write those numbers on your Battle Card


  5. Each player starts on their own planet
  6. Decide who goes first and so on
  7. Decide the number of Assistance Characters that will be allowed to build up Armies.
  8. Follow the instructions on the game cards.

    You’re all set to play Watchers! Enjoy the game

  1. Follow the instructions on the cards
  2. Once a card is used it is discarded
  3. During the game, if you draw opposite faction specific cards, discard and re-draw
  4. Playing Cards in Your Hand – During your turn you can play as many cards as you can/want to use
  5. Once you choose a Mission or Battle, not both – the results of that ends your turn
  6. At the beginning of your turn, roll 20-Sided Dice. Even number, get another card.
  7. Maximum Number of Cards – You can only have a max of 13 cards. If you want to draw a new card, you must discard one
  8. It is a 2-player minimum game. You need at least one player to be on each faction
  9. Team Play – You may play as a team with other players within your faction and help each other if the cards allow it while on same world or same world orbit
  10. During your turn you have choices: Battle, Use a Mission Card, Stay or Run using an Assistance Card
  11. Staying too long – You can only stay on a World for 3 turns. If you can’t move through your cards, on your 3 turn you must roll the 6-sided dice to move to a new world
  12. Special One Time Use Weapons – You may use special weapons on any opponent on the same battlefield AND you still take your Attack/Run turn. Also, special weapons can be used by the defense during the attack/defense
  13. When there are no more cards left to draw, shuffle the discard pile to create a new draw deck.
  14. Victory – The game continues until there is a winner by a faction destroying all the opposite factions’ characters and/or Spaceships. As long as you have at least one character, you’re still in the game
  15. BENDER Assistance Character– A Bender helps your character with special weapons and powers. A Bender may help all teammates but must be on the same battlefield.
  16. Resurrection – Only a Neloth card can resurrect a player once they hit zero Thoma.
  17. World Arrival Rules – You must perform every time you visit a new world unless otherwise specified
  18. Battle Royale – Each player choose a character race and fight everyone. Last one will rule the galaxy
  19. Space Battle – Add up all allowed Spaceship weapons for your Weapon Punch Number
  20. Build Your Army – A main character can build up their Army with assistance characters. On an Attack/Defense, you may choose which order your army attacks/defends. You may leave assistance characters behind when you move. You can only have one Bender per Army
  21. Assistance Characters – Can only defend if they are not with the main character. In the event your assistance Character has been “Static Struck” away, your main character must find a way to pick them up to rejoin the Army
  1. Each game chooses a Game Leader- leads the game, lore reading, players and helps with the rules
  2. This is a Battle Game using Strategy, Chance, Dice and Game Cards. My deck against your deck concept
  3. Place the world cards out on table centered between the players
  4. Each player chooses a faction: either Human or Adra
  5. Each player pulls all Character cards from their deck and separates them into Human or Adra Faction
  6. Randomly draw a Character card from the Faction cards you choose, place the others aside
  7. Place the opposite Faction Character cards aside
  8. Each player uses their own deck
  1. Each player starts the game by drawing 10 cards from their own deck
  2. Find & Identify your Weapon Punch Number
  3. Choose the strongest weapon for your Character called WPN (Weapon Punch Number) 1 Weapon per character. Add this Weapon WPN to your Characters WPN resulting in your WPN number
  4. Find & Identify your Thoma number and use any/all cards to build up Thoma

    Suggestion – Write those numbers on your Battle Card


  5. Each player starts on their own planet
  6. Decide who goes first and so on
  7. Decide the number of Assistance Characters that will be allowed to build up Armies.
  8. Follow the instructions on the game cards.

    You’re all set to play Watchers! Enjoy the game